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SourceTool Profile Matches for the product or service: water sampler

BVS Inc designs and manufactures automatic liquid samplers for over 40 years.

BVS Inc    United States
BVS Inc specializes in designing and manufacturing automatic liquid samplers for water pollution surveillance and control, manufacturing process and batch control, municipal surcharge billing. Their products include SPE 400 automatic liquid sampling station is a turnkey system designed to take composite samples on an unattended basis.

C C Lynch and Associates provides environmental instrumentation, equipment rental, field service and repair 1966.

C C Lynch and Associates    United States
C C Lynch and Associates specializes in providing environmental instrumentation, equipment rental, field service. The company offers product sales, field service, inhouse repairs and instrument rental to municipal water and wastewater, industrial areas like, agriculture, chemical, food processing, metal, petroleum, pulp and paper, consulting, natural resources, utilities, research and US government agencies, etc.

Can Am Instruments Ltd specializes in distributing industrial process controls, environmental and laboratory instrumentation for more than 30 years.

Can Am Instruments Ltd    Canada
Can Am Instruments Ltd distributes industrial process controls, environmental and laboratory instrumentation. The company products include waste water samplers, open channel and closed pipe flow meters, online water analyzers, viscometers, tank level controls, alarm dialers, oil in water monitors and treatment equipment, gas detection systems and portable and online meters. The company is quality certified to ISO 9001:2000.

Challenger Oceanic is a manufacturer of deep sea oceanographic instrumentation like particle samplers, water samplers, sediment traps, sensors and spectrometers.

Challenger Oceanic   Haslemere  United Kingdom
Challenger Oceanic other products include: sediment profiling sensors, gamma spectrometers, mass spectrometers and various pumps, pressure tubes, and other electronics items. Challenger Oceanic was an associate partner in the MAST III ARAMIS project, sub contractor on the SEABEE project and the HAB BUOY project.

Hydro-Bios specializes in manufacturing precise-mechanical and electronical apparatus and instruments since 1960.

Hydro-Bios    Germany
Hydro-Bios manufactures precise-mechanical and electronical apparatus and instruments. Their products include multi water sampler, water sampler, multi net, nets, sediment traps, multi parameter probe, bottom sampler, flow meters, etc.

Johnston Inc supplies wastewater treatment equipments.

Johnston Inc   Indian Trail  United States
Johnston Inc specializes in distributing wastewater treatment equipments. Few of their products are flow level and pressure measurement, sampling and analysis, odor control, chemical feed, process equipment, etc.

Manning Environmental Inc manufactures fluid samplers and accessories.

Manning Environmental Inc    United States
Manning Environmental Inc specializes in manufacturing fluid samplers and accessories for industrial and municipal wastewater and storm water industries. Few of their products include portable fluid samplers and stationary fluid samplers.

Teledyne Isco Inc manufactures a wide range of products for professionals working in water pollution monitoring and abatement since 1958.

Teledyne Isco Inc    United States
Teledyne Isco Inc specializes in producing wide range of products for professionals working in water pollution monitoring and abatement. The company product includes water and wastewater monitoring, laboratory instruments, automatic wastewater samplers, open channel flow meters, liquid chromatography products, high pressure syringe pumps, density gradient fractionation, etc.



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